Social Media Strategies to Connect with Your Customers in 2021
Customer experience is the top priority for organizations in 2021. Today’s consumers often base their perception of a company or brand on the various meaningful instants that they have with that brand/company. And those instants don’t simply happen at just the service line or the checkout page. Social media has quickly emerged as a critical touchpoint in helping build and maintain customer relationships. When used correctly, a companies’ social media channels can be more than just a means for your customers
5 top technical factors of e-commerce websites during pandemic
The coronavirus pandemic has forced businesses to rethink their strategies as they look to reach out to their target audience and sell the products and services that they have to offer. While most countries across the world imposed a lockdown, forcing people to stay in their homes, there has been a surge in the demand for different kinds of essential goods. Like any other sector, the ecommerce industry is trying hard to deal with the changing market trends that are
How SEO Can Benefit Your Business During COVID-19?
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced people to stay in their homes and spend more time online looking for products and services that match their interests. Even though this has increased the general trend of internet usage, it has also led to severe low traffic figures for many business websites. Nevertheless, it is still important for a business to spend for SEO even during COVID-19. Let’s have a look at some of the trends of internet usage for people all across
Ways to reach Prospective Parents without spending much
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